A **CameraFlightAnimation** jumps or flies the {{#crossLink "Scene"}}Scene's{{/crossLink}} {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} to look at a given target.
<a href="../../examples/#animation_camera_flight"><img src="http://i.giphy.com/3o7TKP0jN800EQ99EQ.gif"></img></a>
* TODO: Document behaviour for ortho projection
* TODO: Update docs for camera refactor, where ortho and perspective components will always be present on camera
## Overview
* Can be made to either fly or jump to its target.
* While busy flying to a target, it can be stopped, or redirected to fly to a different target.
A CameraFlightAnimation's target can be:
* specific ````eye````, ````look```` and ````up```` positions,
* an axis-aligned World-space bounding box (AABB), or
* an instance or ID of any {{#crossLink "Component"}}{{/crossLink}} subtype that provides a World-space AABB.
You can configure its {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/fit:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
and {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/fitFOV:property"}}{{/crossLink}} properties to make it stop at the point where the target
occupies a certain amount of the field-of-view.
## Examples
* [Flying to random meshes](../../examples/#animation_camera_flight)
## Flying to a Mesh
Flying to a {{#crossLink "Mesh"}}{{/crossLink}}:
// Create a CameraFlightAnimation that takes one second to fly
// the default Scene's Camera to each specified target
var cameraFlight = new xeogl.CameraFlightAnimation({
fit: true, // Default
fitFOV: 45, // Default, degrees
duration: 1 // Default, seconds
}, function() {
// Arrived
// Create a Mesh, which gets all the default components
var mesh = new Mesh();
// Fly to the Mesh's World-space AABB
## Flying to a position
Flying the CameraFlightAnimation from the previous example to specified eye, look and up positions:
eye: [-5,-5,-5],
look: [0,0,0]
up: [0,1,0],
duration: 1 // Default, seconds
}, function() {
// Arrived
## Flying to an AABB
Flying the CameraFlightAnimation from the previous two examples explicitly to the {{#crossLink "Boundary3D"}}Boundary3D's{{/crossLink}}
axis-aligned bounding box:
@class CameraFlightAnimation
@module xeogl
@submodule animation
@param [owner] {Component} Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this component as well. Creates this component within the default {{#crossLink "Scene"}}{{/crossLink}} when omitted.
@param [cfg.id] {String} Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent {{#crossLink "Scene"}}Scene{{/crossLink}}, generated automatically when omitted.
@param [cfg.meta] {String:Object} Optional map of user-defined metadata to attach to this CameraFlightAnimation.
@param [cfg.fit=true] {Boolean} When true, will ensure that when this CameraFlightAnimation has flown or jumped to a boundary
it will adjust the distance between the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}}'s {{#crossLink "Lookat/eye:property"}}eye{{/crossLink}}
and {{#crossLink "Lookat/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} position so as to ensure that the target boundary is filling the view volume.
@param [cfg.fitFOV=45] {Number} How much field-of-view, in degrees, that a target boundary should
fill the canvas when fitting the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}Camera{{/crossLink}} to the target boundary. Only applies when the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}Camera{{/crossLink}}'s active projection is a{{#crossLink "Perspective"}}{{/crossLink}}.
@param [cfg.trail] {Boolean} When true, will cause this CameraFlightAnimation to point the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} in the direction that it is travelling.
@param [cfg.duration=1] {Number} Flight duration, in seconds, when calling {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/flyTo:method"}}CameraFlightAnimation#flyTo(){{/crossLink}}.
@extends Component
import {math} from '../math/math.js';
import {utils} from '../utils.js';
import {tasks} from '../tasks.js';
import {Component} from '../component.js';
import {Mesh} from '../objects/mesh.js';
import {AABBGeometry} from '../geometry/aabbGeometry.js';
import {PhongMaterial} from '../materials/phongMaterial.js';
import {componentClasses} from "./../componentClasses.js";
const type = "xeogl.CameraFlightAnimation";
const tempVec3 = math.vec3();
const newLook = math.vec3();
const newEye = math.vec3();
const newUp = math.vec3();
const newLookEyeVec = math.vec3();
const lookEyeVec = math.vec3();
class CameraFlightAnimation extends Component {
JavaScript class name for this Component.
For example: "xeogl.AmbientLight", "xeogl.MetallicMaterial" etc.
@property type
@type String
get type() {
return type;
init(cfg) {
this._aabbHelper = new Mesh(this, { // Shows a wireframe box for target AABBs
geometry: new AABBGeometry(this),
material: new PhongMaterial(this, {
diffuse: [0, 0, 0],
ambient: [0, 0, 0],
specular: [0, 0, 0],
emissive: [0.5, 1.0, 0.5],
lineWidth: 2
visible: false,
collidable: false
this._look1 = math.vec3();
this._eye1 = math.vec3();
this._up1 = math.vec3();
this._look2 = math.vec3();
this._eye2 = math.vec3();
this._up2 = math.vec3();
this._orthoScale1 = 1;
this._orthoScale2 = 1;
this._flying = false;
this._flyEyeLookUp = false;
this._flyingEye = false;
this._flyingLook = false;
this._callback = null;
this._callbackScope = null;
this._time1 = null;
this._time2 = null;
this.easing = cfg.easing !== false;
this.duration = cfg.duration;
this.fit = cfg.fit;
this.fitFOV = cfg.fitFOV;
this.trail = cfg.trail;
* Begins flying the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}}'s {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} to the given target.
* * When the target is a boundary, the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} will fly towards the target
* and stop when the target fills most of the canvas.
* * When the target is an explicit {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} position, given as ````eye````, ````look```` and ````up````
* vectors, then this CameraFlightAnimation will interpolate the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} to that target and stop there.
* @method flyTo
* @param [params=scene] {*|Component} Either a parameters object or a {{#crossLink "Component"}}{{/crossLink}} subtype that has an AABB.
* @param[params.arc=0] {Number} Factor in range [0..1] indicating how much the
* {{#crossLink "Lookat/eye:property"}}Camera's eye{{/crossLink}} position will
* swing away from its {{#crossLink "Lookat/eye:property"}}look{{/crossLink}} position as it flies to the target.
* @param [params.component] {Number|String|Component} ID or instance of a component to fly to. Defaults to the entire {{#crossLink "Scene"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @param [params.aabb] {*} World-space axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) target to fly to.
* @param [params.eye] {Float32Array} Position to fly the eye position to.
* @param [params.look] {Float32Array} Position to fly the look position to.
* @param [params.up] {Float32Array} Position to fly the up vector to.
* @param [params.fit=true] {Boolean} Whether to fit the target to the view volume. Overrides {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/fit:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @param [params.fitFOV] {Number} How much of field-of-view, in degrees, that a target {{#crossLink "Object"}}{{/crossLink}} or its AABB should
* fill the canvas on arrival. Overrides {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/fitFOV:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @param [params.duration] {Number} Flight duration in seconds. Overrides {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/duration:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @param [params.orthoScale] {Number} TODO: document this
* @param [callback] {Function} Callback fired on arrival
* @param [scope] {Object} Optional scope for callback
flyTo(params, callback, scope) {
params = params || this.scene;
if (this._flying) {
this._flying = false;
this._callback = callback;
this._callbackScope = scope;
const camera = this.scene.camera;
this._eye1[0] = camera.eye[0];
this._eye1[1] = camera.eye[1];
this._eye1[2] = camera.eye[2];
this._look1[0] = camera.look[0];
this._look1[1] = camera.look[1];
this._look1[2] = camera.look[2];
this._up1[0] = camera.up[0];
this._up1[1] = camera.up[1];
this._up1[2] = camera.up[2];
this._orthoScale1 = camera.ortho.scale;
this._orthoScale2 = params.orthoScale || this._orthoScale1;
let aabb;
let eye;
let look;
let up;
let componentId;
if (params.aabb) {
aabb = params.aabb;
} else if (params.length === 6) {
aabb = params;
} else if ((params.eye && params.look) || params.up) {
eye = params.eye;
look = params.look;
up = params.up;
} else if (params.eye) {
eye = params.eye;
} else if (params.look) {
look = params.look;
} else { // Argument must be an instance or ID of a Component (subtype)
let component = params;
if (utils.isNumeric(component) || utils.isString(component)) {
componentId = component;
component = this.scene.components[componentId];
if (!component) {
this.error("Component not found: " + utils.inQuotes(componentId));
if (callback) {
if (scope) {
} else {
aabb = component.aabb || this.scene.aabb;
const poi = params.poi;
if (aabb) {
if (aabb[3] < aabb[0] || aabb[4] < aabb[1] || aabb[5] < aabb[2]) { // Don't fly to an inverted boundary
if (aabb[3] === aabb[0] && aabb[4] === aabb[1] && aabb[5] === aabb[2]) { // Don't fly to an empty boundary
if (params.showAABB !== false) { // Show boundary
this._aabbHelper.geometry.targetAABB = aabb;
//this._aabbHelper.visible = true;
aabb = aabb.slice();
const aabbCenter = math.getAABB3Center(aabb);
this._look2 = poi || aabbCenter;
const eyeLookVec = math.subVec3(this._eye1, this._look1, tempVec3);
const eyeLookVecNorm = math.normalizeVec3(eyeLookVec);
const diag = poi ? math.getAABB3DiagPoint(aabb, poi) : math.getAABB3Diag(aabb);
const fitFOV = params.fitFOV || this._fitFOV;
const sca = Math.abs(diag / Math.tan(fitFOV * math.DEGTORAD));
this._orthoScale2 = diag * 1.1;
this._eye2[0] = this._look2[0] + (eyeLookVecNorm[0] * sca);
this._eye2[1] = this._look2[1] + (eyeLookVecNorm[1] * sca);
this._eye2[2] = this._look2[2] + (eyeLookVecNorm[2] * sca);
this._up2[0] = this._up1[0];
this._up2[1] = this._up1[1];
this._up2[2] = this._up1[2];
this._flyEyeLookUp = false;
} else if (eye || look || up) {
this._flyEyeLookUp = !!eye && !!look && !!up;
this._flyingEye = !!eye && !look;
this._flyingLook = !!look && !eye;
if (look) {
this._look2[0] = look[0];
this._look2[1] = look[1];
this._look2[2] = look[2];
if (eye) {
this._eye2[0] = eye[0];
this._eye2[1] = eye[1];
this._eye2[2] = eye[2];
if (up) {
this._up2[0] = up[0];
this._up2[1] = up[1];
this._up2[2] = up[2];
this.fire("started", params, true);
this._time1 = Date.now();
this._time2 = this._time1 + (params.duration ? params.duration * 1000 : this._duration);
this._flying = true; // False as soon as we stop
tasks.scheduleTask(this._update, this);
* Jumps the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}}'s {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} to the given target.
* * When the target is a boundary, this CameraFlightAnimation will position the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}}
* at where the target fills most of the canvas.
* * When the target is an explicit {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} position, given as ````eye````, ````look```` and ````up````
* vectors, then this CameraFlightAnimation will jump the {{#crossLink "Camera"}}{{/crossLink}} to that target.
* @method flyTo
* @param params {*|Component} Either a parameters object or a {{#crossLink "Component"}}{{/crossLink}} subtype that has a World-space AABB.
* @param[params.arc=0] {Number} Factor in range [0..1] indicating how much the
* {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}Camera's eye{{/crossLink}} position will
* swing away from its {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}look{{/crossLink}} position as it flies to the target.
* @param [params.component] {Number|String|Component} ID or instance of a component to fly to.
* @param [params.aabb] {*} World-space axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) target to fly to.
* @param [params.eye] {Float32Array} Position to fly the eye position to.
* @param [params.look] {Float32Array} Position to fly the look position to.
* @param [params.up] {Float32Array} Position to fly the up vector to.
* @param [params.fitFOV] {Number} How much of field-of-view, in degrees, that a target {{#crossLink "Object"}}{{/crossLink}} or its AABB should
* fill the canvas on arrival. Overrides {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/fitFOV:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @param [params.fit] {Boolean} Whether to fit the target to the view volume. Overrides {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/fit:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
jumpTo(params) {
_jumpTo(params) {
if (this._flying) {
const camera = this.scene.camera;
var aabb;
var componentId;
var newEye;
var newLook;
var newUp;
if (params.aabb) { // Boundary3D
aabb = params.aabb;
} else if (params.length === 6) { // AABB
aabb = params;
} else if (params.eye || params.look || params.up) { // Camera pose
newEye = params.eye;
newLook = params.look;
newUp = params.up;
} else { // Argument must be an instance or ID of a Component (subtype)
let component = params;
if (utils.isNumeric(component) || utils.isString(component)) {
componentId = component;
component = this.scene.components[componentId];
if (!component) {
this.error("Component not found: " + utils.inQuotes(componentId));
aabb = component.aabb || this.scene.aabb;
const poi = params.poi;
if (aabb) {
if (aabb[3] <= aabb[0] || aabb[4] <= aabb[1] || aabb[5] <= aabb[2]) { // Don't fly to an empty boundary
var diag = poi ? math.getAABB3DiagPoint(aabb, poi) : math.getAABB3Diag(aabb);
newLook = poi || math.getAABB3Center(aabb, newLook);
if (this._trail) {
math.subVec3(camera.look, newLook, newLookEyeVec);
} else {
math.subVec3(camera.eye, camera.look, newLookEyeVec);
let dist;
const fit = (params.fit !== undefined) ? params.fit : this._fit;
if (fit) {
dist = Math.abs((diag) / Math.tan((params.fitFOV || this._fitFOV) * math.DEGTORAD));
} else {
dist = math.lenVec3(math.subVec3(camera.eye, camera.look, tempVec3));
math.mulVec3Scalar(newLookEyeVec, dist);
camera.eye = math.addVec3(newLook, newLookEyeVec, tempVec3);
camera.look = newLook;
} else if (newEye || newLook || newUp) {
if (newEye) {
camera.eye = newEye;
if (newLook) {
camera.look = newLook;
if (newUp) {
camera.up = newUp;
_update() {
if (!this._flying) {
const time = Date.now();
let t = (time - this._time1) / (this._time2 - this._time1);
const stopping = (t >= 1);
if (t > 1) {
t = 1;
t = this.easing ? this._ease(t, 0, 1, 1) : t;
const camera = this.scene.camera;
if (this._flyingEye || this._flyingLook) {
if (this._flyingEye) {
math.subVec3(camera.eye, camera.look, newLookEyeVec);
camera.eye = math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._eye1, this._eye2, newEye);
camera.look = math.subVec3(newEye, newLookEyeVec, newLook);
} else if (this._flyingLook) {
camera.look = math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._look1, this._look2, newLook);
// camera.eye = math.addVec3(newLook, newLookEyeVec, newEye);
camera.up = math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._up1, this._up2, newUp);
} else if (this._flyEyeLookUp) {
camera.eye = math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._eye1, this._eye2, newEye);
camera.look = math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._look1, this._look2, newLook);
camera.up = math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._up1, this._up2, newUp);
} else {
math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._look1, this._look2, newLook);
let dist;
if (this._trail) {
math.subVec3(newLook, camera.look, newLookEyeVec);
} else {
math.subVec3(camera.eye, camera.look, newLookEyeVec);
math.lerpVec3(t, 0, 1, this._eye1, this._eye2, newEye);
math.subVec3(newEye, newLook, lookEyeVec);
dist = math.lenVec3(lookEyeVec);
math.mulVec3Scalar(newLookEyeVec, dist);
camera.eye = math.addVec3(newLook, newLookEyeVec, newEye);
camera.look = newLook;
this.scene.camera.ortho.scale = this._orthoScale1 + (t * (this._orthoScale2 - this._orthoScale1));
if (stopping) {
tasks.scheduleTask(this._update, this); // Keep flying
_ease(t, b, c, d) { // Quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity http://gizma.com/easing
t /= d;
return -c * t * (t - 2) + b;
* Stops an earlier flyTo, fires arrival callback.
* @method stop
stop() {
if (!this._flying) {
this._aabbHelper.visible = false;
this._flying = false;
this._time1 = null;
this._time2 = null;
const callback = this._callback;
if (callback) {
this._callback = null;
if (this._callbackScope) {
} else {
this.fire("stopped", true, true);
* Cancels an earlier flyTo without calling the arrival callback.
* @method cancel
cancel() {
if (!this._flying) {
this._aabbHelper.visible = false;
this._flying = false;
this._time1 = null;
this._time2 = null;
if (this._callback) {
this._callback = null;
this.fire("canceled", true, true);
* Flight duration, in seconds, when calling {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/flyTo:method"}}CameraFlightAnimation#flyTo(){{/crossLink}}.
* Stops any flight currently in progress.
* @property duration
* @default 0.5
* @type Number
set duration(value) {
this._duration = value ? (value * 1000.0) : 500;
get duration() {
return this._duration / 1000.0;
* When true, will ensure that this CameraFlightAnimation is flying to a boundary it will always adjust the distance between the
* {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/camera:property"}}camera{{/crossLink}}'s {{#crossLink "Lookat/eye:property"}}eye{{/crossLink}}
* and {{#crossLink "Lookat/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
* so as to ensure that the target boundary is always filling the view volume.
* When false, the eye will remain at its current distance from the look position.
* @property fit
* @type Boolean
* @default true
set fit(value) {
this._fit = value !== false;
get fit() {
return this._fit;
* How much of the perspective field-of-view, in degrees, that a target {{#crossLink "Object"}}{{/crossLink}} or its AABB should
* fill the canvas when calling {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/flyTo:method"}}CameraFlightAnimation#jumpTo(){{/crossLink}} or {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/jumpTo:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* @property fitFOV
* @default 45
* @type Number
set fitFOV(value) {
this._fitFOV = value || 45;
get fitFOV() {
return this._fitFOV;
* When true, will cause this CameraFlightAnimation to point the {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation/camera:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
* in the direction that it is travelling.
* @property trail
* @type Boolean
* @default false
set trail(value) {
this._trail = !!value;
get trail() {
return this._trail;
componentClasses[type] = CameraFlightAnimation;
export {CameraFlightAnimation};