A **Camera** defines viewing and projection transforms for its {{#crossLink "Scene"}}{{/crossLink}}.
## Overview
* One Camera per Scene
* Controls viewing and projection transforms
* Has methods to pan, zoom and orbit (or first-person rotation)
* Dynamically configurable World-space "up" direction
* Switchable between perspective, frustum and orthographic projections
* Switchable gimbal lock
* Can be "flown" to look at targets using a {{#crossLink "CameraFlightAnimation"}}{{/crossLink}}
* Can be animated along a path using a {{#crossLink "CameraPathAnimation"}}{{/crossLink}}
* Can follow a target using a {{#crossLink "CameraFollowAnimation"}}{{/crossLink}}
## Examples
* [Perspective projection](../../examples/#camera_perspective)
* [Orthographic projection](../../examples/#camera_orthographic)
* [Frustum projection](../../examples/#camera_frustum)
* [Camera with world Z-axis as "up"](../../examples/#camera_zAxisUp)
* [Camera with world Y-axis as "up"](../../examples/#camera_yAxisUp)
* [Automatically following a Mesh with a Camera](../../examples/#camera_follow)
* [Animating a Camera along a path](../../examples/#camera_path_interpolation)
* [Architectural fly-through](../../examples/#importing_gltf_ModernOffice)
## Usage
* [Getting the Camera](#getting-the-camera)
* [Moving around](#moving-around)
* [Projection](#projection)
* [Configuring World up direction](#configuring-world-up-direction)
* [Gimbal locking](#gimbal-locking)
* [Stereo rendering](#stereo-rendering)
### Getting the Camera
There is exactly one Camera per Scene:
var camera = myScene.camera;
### Moving around
Get and set the Camera's absolute position at any time via its {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}},
{{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} properties:
camera.eye = [-10,0,0];
camera.look = [-10,0,0];
camera.up = [0,1,0];
Get the view matrix:
var viewMatrix = camera.viewMatrix;
var viewNormalMatrix = camera.normalMatrix;
Listen for view matrix updates:
camera.on("matrix", function(matrix) { ... });
Orbiting the {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} position:
First-person rotation, rotates {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
and {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} about {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}}:
Panning along the Camera's local axis (ie. left/right, up/down, forward/backward):
camera.pan([-20, 0, 10]);
Zoom to vary distance between {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}}:
camera.zoom(-5); // Move five units closer
Get the current distance between {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}}:
var distance = camera.eyeLookDist;
### Projection
For each projection type, the Camera has a Component to manage that projection's configuration. You can hot-switch the Camera
between those projection types, while updating the properties of each projection component at any time.
camera.perspective.near = 0.4;
camera.perspective.fov = 45;
camera.ortho.near = 0.8;
camera.ortho.far = 1000;
camera.frustum.left = -1.0;
camera.frustum.right = 1.0;
camera.frustum.far = 1000.0;
camera.customProjection.matrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
camera.projection = "perspective"; // Switch to perspective
camera.projection = "frustum"; // Switch to frustum
camera.projection = "ortho"; // Switch to ortho
camera.projection = "customProjection"; // Switch to custom
Get the projection matrix:
var projMatrix = camera.projMatrix;
Listen for projection matrix updates:
camera.on("projMatrix", function(matrix) { ... });
### Configuring World up direction
We can dynamically configure the direction that we consider to be "up" in the World-space coordinate system.
Set the +Y axis as World "up" (convention in some modeling software):
camera.worldAxis = [
1, 0, 0, // Right
0, 1, 0, // Up
0, 0,-1 // Forward
Set the +Z axis as World "up" (convention in most CAD and BIM viewers):
camera.worldAxis = [
1, 0, 0, // Right
0, 0, 1, // Up
0,-1, 0 // Forward
The Camera has read-only convenience properties that provide each axis individually:
var worldRight = camera.worldRight;
var worldForward = camera.worldForward;
var worldUp = camera.worldUp;
### Gimbal locking
By default, the Camera locks yaw rotation to pivot about the World-space "up" axis. We can dynamically lock and unlock that
at any time:
camera.gimbalLock = false; // Yaw rotation now happens about Camera's local Y-axis
camera.gimbalLock = true; // Yaw rotation now happens about World's "up" axis
See: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock</a>
### Stereo rendering
TODO: Describe stereo techniques and the deviceMatrix property
@class Camera
@module xeogl
@submodule camera
@param [owner] {Component} Owner component. When destroyed, the owner will destroy this component as well. Creates this component within the default {{#crossLink "Scene"}}{{/crossLink}} when omitted.
@param [cfg] {*} Configs
@param [cfg.id] {String} Optional ID, unique among all components in the parent {{#crossLink "Scene"}}Scene{{/crossLink}}, generated automatically when omitted.
You only need to supply an ID if you need to be able to find the Camera by ID within its parent {{#crossLink "Scene"}}Scene{{/crossLink}} later.
@param [cfg.meta] {String:Object} Optional map of user-defined metadata to attach to this Camera.
@extends Component
import {math} from '../math/math.js';
import {Component} from '../component.js';
import {State} from '../renderer/state.js';
import {Perspective} from './perspective.js';
import {Ortho} from './ortho.js';
import {Frustum} from './frustum.js';
import {CustomProjection} from './customProjection.js';
import {componentClasses} from "./../componentClasses.js";
const tempVec3 = math.vec3();
const tempVec3b = math.vec3();
const tempVec3c = math.vec3();
const tempVec3d = math.vec3();
const tempVec3e = math.vec3();
const tempVec3f = math.vec3();
const tempMat = math.mat4();
const tempMatb = math.mat4();
const eyeLookVec = math.vec3();
const eyeLookVecNorm = math.vec3();
const eyeLookOffset = math.vec3();
const offsetEye = math.vec3();
const type = "xeogl.Camera";
class Camera extends Component {
JavaScript class name for this Component.
For example: "xeogl.AmbientLight", "xeogl.MetallicMaterial" etc.
@property type
@type String
get type() {
return type;
init(cfg) {
this._state = new State({
deviceMatrix: math.mat4(),
hasDeviceMatrix: false, // True when deviceMatrix set to other than identity
matrix: math.mat4(),
normalMatrix: math.mat4()
this._perspective = new Perspective(this);
this._ortho = new Ortho(this);
this._frustum = new Frustum(this);
this._customProjection = new CustomProjection(this);
this._project = this._perspective;
this._eye = math.vec3([0, 0, 10.0]);
this._look = math.vec3([0, 0, 0]);
this._up = math.vec3([0, 1, 0]);
this._worldUp = math.vec3([0, 1, 0]);
this._worldRight = math.vec3([1, 0, 0]);
this._worldForward = math.vec3([0, 0, -1]);
this.deviceMatrix = cfg.deviceMatrix;
this.eye = cfg.eye;
this.look = cfg.look;
this.up = cfg.up;
this.worldAxis = cfg.worldAxis;
this.gimbalLock = cfg.gimbalLock;
this.constrainPitch = cfg.constrainPitch;
this.projection = cfg.projection;
this._perspective.on("matrix", () => {
if (this._projectionType === "perspective") {
this.fire("projMatrix", this._perspective.matrix);
this._ortho.on("matrix", () => {
if (this._projectionType === "ortho") {
this.fire("projMatrix", this._ortho.matrix);
this._frustum.on("matrix", () => {
if (this._projectionType === "frustum") {
this.fire("projMatrix", this._frustum.matrix);
this._customProjection.on("matrix", () => {
if (this._projectionType === "customProjection") {
this.fire("projMatrix", this._customProjection.matrix);
_update() {
const state = this._state;
// In ortho mode, build the view matrix with an eye position that's translated
// well back from look, so that the front clip plane doesn't unexpectedly cut
// the front off the view (not a problem with perspective, since objects close enough
// to be clipped by the front plane are usually too big to see anything of their cross-sections).
let eye;
if (this.projection === "ortho") {
math.subVec3(this._eye, this._look, eyeLookVec);
math.normalizeVec3(eyeLookVec, eyeLookVecNorm);
math.mulVec3Scalar(eyeLookVecNorm, 1000.0, eyeLookOffset);
math.addVec3(this._look, eyeLookOffset, offsetEye);
eye = offsetEye;
} else {
eye = this._eye;
if (state.hasDeviceMatrix) {
math.lookAtMat4v(eye, this._look, this._up, tempMatb);
math.mulMat4(state.deviceMatrix, tempMatb, state.matrix);
} else {
math.lookAtMat4v(eye, this._look, this._up, state.matrix);
math.inverseMat4(this._state.matrix, this._state.normalMatrix);
this.fire("matrix", this._state.matrix);
this.fire("viewMatrix", this._state.matrix);
Rotates {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}} about {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}}, around the {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} vector
@method orbitYaw
@param {Number} angle Angle of rotation in degrees
orbitYaw(angle) {
let lookEyeVec = math.subVec3(this._eye, this._look, tempVec3);
math.rotationMat4v(angle * 0.0174532925, this._gimbalLock ? this._worldUp : this._up, tempMat);
lookEyeVec = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, lookEyeVec, tempVec3b);
this.eye = math.addVec3(this._look, lookEyeVec, tempVec3c); // Set eye position as 'look' plus 'eye' vector
this.up = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, this._up, tempVec3d); // Rotate 'up' vector
Rotates {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}} about {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} around the right axis (orthogonal to {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} and "look").
@method orbitPitch
@param {Number} angle Angle of rotation in degrees
orbitPitch(angle) {
let eye2 = math.subVec3(this._eye, this._look, tempVec3);
const left = math.cross3Vec3(math.normalizeVec3(eye2, tempVec3b), math.normalizeVec3(this._up, tempVec3c));
math.rotationMat4v(angle * 0.0174532925, left, tempMat);
eye2 = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, eye2, tempVec3d);
const up = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, this._up, tempVec3e);
if (this._constrainPitch) {
var angle = math.dotVec3(up, this._worldUp) / math.DEGTORAD;
if (angle < 1) {
this.up = up;
this.eye = math.addVec3(eye2, this._look, tempVec3f);
Rotates {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} about {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}}, around the {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} vector.
@method yaw
@param {Number} angle Angle of rotation in degrees
yaw(angle) {
let look2 = math.subVec3(this._look, this._eye, tempVec3);
math.rotationMat4v(angle * 0.0174532925, this._gimbalLock ? this._worldUp : this._up, tempMat);
look2 = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, look2, tempVec3b);
this.look = math.addVec3(look2, this._eye, tempVec3c);
if (this._gimbalLock) {
this.up = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, this._up, tempVec3d);
Rotates {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} about {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}}, around the right axis (orthogonal to {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} and "look").
@method pitch
@param {Number} angle Angle of rotation in degrees
pitch(angle) {
let look2 = math.subVec3(this._look, this._eye, tempVec3);
const left = math.cross3Vec3(math.normalizeVec3(look2, tempVec3b), math.normalizeVec3(this._up, tempVec3c));
math.rotationMat4v(angle * 0.0174532925, left, tempMat);
const up = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, this._up, tempVec3f);
if (this._constrainPitch) {
var angle = math.dotVec3(up, this._worldUp) / math.DEGTORAD;
if (angle < 1) {
this.up = up;
look2 = math.transformPoint3(tempMat, look2, tempVec3d);
this.look = math.addVec3(look2, this._eye, tempVec3e);
Pans the camera along the camera's local X, Y and Z axis.
@method pan
@param pan The pan vector
pan(pan) {
const eye2 = math.subVec3(this._eye, this._look, tempVec3);
const vec = [0, 0, 0];
let v;
if (pan[0] !== 0) {
const left = math.cross3Vec3(math.normalizeVec3(eye2, []), math.normalizeVec3(this._up, tempVec3b));
v = math.mulVec3Scalar(left, pan[0]);
vec[0] += v[0];
vec[1] += v[1];
vec[2] += v[2];
if (pan[1] !== 0) {
v = math.mulVec3Scalar(math.normalizeVec3(this._up, tempVec3c), pan[1]);
vec[0] += v[0];
vec[1] += v[1];
vec[2] += v[2];
if (pan[2] !== 0) {
v = math.mulVec3Scalar(math.normalizeVec3(eye2, tempVec3d), pan[2]);
vec[0] += v[0];
vec[1] += v[1];
vec[2] += v[2];
this.eye = math.addVec3(this._eye, vec, tempVec3e);
this.look = math.addVec3(this._look, vec, tempVec3f);
Increments/decrements zoom factor, ie. distance between {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}}
and {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
@method zoom
@param delta
zoom(delta) {
const vec = math.subVec3(this._eye, this._look, tempVec3);
const lenLook = Math.abs(math.lenVec3(vec, tempVec3b));
const newLenLook = Math.abs(lenLook + delta);
if (newLenLook < 0.5) {
const dir = math.normalizeVec3(vec, tempVec3c);
this.eye = math.addVec3(this._look, math.mulVec3Scalar(dir, newLenLook), tempVec3d);
Position of this Camera's eye.
Fires an {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property eye
@default [0,0,10]
@type Float32Array
set eye(value) {
this._eye.set(value || [0, 0, 10]);
this._needUpdate(0); // Ensure matrix built on next "tick"
Fired whenever this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/eye:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
@event eye
@param value The property's new value
this.fire("eye", this._eye);
get eye() {
return this._eye;
Position of this Camera's point-of-interest.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/look:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property look
@default [0,0,0]
@type Float32Array
set look(value) {
this._look.set(value || [0, 0, 0]);
this._needUpdate(0); // Ensure matrix built on next "tick"
Fired whenever this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/look:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
@event look
@param value The property's new value
this.fire("look", this._look);
get look() {
return this._look;
Direction of this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} vector.
Fires an {{#crossLink "Camera/up:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property up
@default [0,1,0]
@type Float32Array
set up(value) {
this._up.set(value || [0, 1, 0]);
Fired whenever this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
@event up
@param value The property's new value
this.fire("up", this._up);
get up() {
return this._up;
Sets an optional matrix to premultiply into this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/matrix:property"}}{{/crossLink}} matrix.
This is intended to be used for stereo rendering with WebVR etc.
@property deviceMatrix
@type {Float32Array}
set deviceMatrix(matrix) {
this._state.deviceMatrix.set(matrix || [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
this._state.hasDeviceMatrix = !!matrix;
Fired whenever this CustomProjection's {{#crossLink "CustomProjection/matrix:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
@event deviceMatrix
@param value The property's new value
this.fire("deviceMatrix", this._state.deviceMatrix);
get deviceMatrix() {
return this._state.deviceMatrix;
Indicates the up, right and forward axis of the World coordinate system.
Has format: ````[rightX, rightY, rightZ, upX, upY, upZ, forwardX, forwardY, forwardZ]````
@property worldAxis
@default [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
@type Float32Array
set worldAxis(value) {
value = value || [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1];
if (!this._worldAxis) {
this._worldAxis = new Float32Array(value);
} else {
this._worldRight[0] = this._worldAxis[0];
this._worldRight[1] = this._worldAxis[1];
this._worldRight[2] = this._worldAxis[2];
this._worldUp[0] = this._worldAxis[3];
this._worldUp[1] = this._worldAxis[4];
this._worldUp[2] = this._worldAxis[5];
this._worldForward[0] = this._worldAxis[6];
this._worldForward[1] = this._worldAxis[7];
this._worldForward[2] = this._worldAxis[8];
* Fired whenever this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/worldAxis:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
* @event worldAxis
* @param value The property's new value
this.fire("worldAxis", this._worldAxis);
get worldAxis() {
return this._worldAxis;
Direction of World-space "up".
@property worldUp
@default [0,1,0]
@type Float32Array
get worldUp() {
return this._worldUp;
Direction of World-space "right".
@property worldRight
@default [1,0,0]
@type Float32Array
get worldRight() {
return this._worldRight;
Direction of World-space "forwards".
@property worldForward
@default [0,0,-1]
@type Float32Array
get worldForward() {
return this._worldForward;
Whether to lock yaw rotation to pivot about the World-space "up" axis.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/gimbalLock:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property gimbalLock
@default true
@type Boolean
set gimbalLock(value) {
this._gimbalLock = value !== false;
Fired whenever this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/gimbalLock:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
@event gimbalLock
@param value The property's new value
this.fire("gimbalLock", this._gimbalLock);
get gimbalLock() {
return this._gimbalLock;
Whether to prevent camera from being pitched upside down.
The camera is upside down when the angle
between {{#crossLink "Camera/up:property"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "Camera/worldUp:property"}}{{/crossLink}} is less than one degree.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/constrainPitch:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property constrainPitch
@default false
@type Boolean
set constrainPitch(value) {
this._constrainPitch = !!value;
Fired whenever this Camera's {{#crossLink "Camera/constrainPitch:property"}}{{/crossLink}} property changes.
@event constrainPitch
@param value The property's new value
this.fire("constrainPitch", this._constrainPitch);
get constrainPitch() {
return this._constrainPitch;
Distance from "look" to "eye".
@property eyeLookDist
@type Number
get eyeLookDist() {
return math.lenVec3(math.subVec3(this._look, this._eye, tempVec3));
The Camera's viewing transformation matrix.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/matrix:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property matrix
@type {Float32Array}
get matrix() {
if (this._updateScheduled) {
return this._state.matrix;
The Camera's viewing transformation matrix.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/matrix:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property viewMatrix
@type {Float32Array}
get viewMatrix() {
if (this._updateScheduled) {
return this._state.matrix;
The Camera's viewing normal transformation matrix.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/matrix:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property normalMatrix
@type {Float32Array}
get normalMatrix() {
if (this._updateScheduled) {
return this._state.normalMatrix;
The Camera's viewing normal transformation matrix.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/matrix:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property viewNormalMatrix
@type {Float32Array}
get viewNormalMatrix() {
if (this._updateScheduled) {
return this._state.normalMatrix;
Camera's projection transformation projMatrix.
Fires a {{#crossLink "Camera/projMatrix:event"}}{{/crossLink}} event on change.
@property projMatrix
@type {Float32Array}
get projMatrix() {
return this[this.projection].matrix;
The perspective projection transform for this Camera.
This is used while {{#crossLink "Camera/projection:property"}}{{/crossLink}} equals "perspective".
@property perspective
@type Perspective
get perspective() {
return this._perspective;
The orthographic projection transform for this Camera.
This is used while {{#crossLink "Camera/projection:property"}}{{/crossLink}} equals "ortho".
@property ortho
@type Ortho
get ortho() {
return this._ortho;
The frustum projection transform for this Camera.
This is used while {{#crossLink "Camera/projection:property"}}{{/crossLink}} equals "frustum".
@property frustum
@type Frustum
get frustum() {
return this._frustum;
A custom projection transform, given as a 4x4 matrix.
This is used while {{#crossLink "Camera/projection:property"}}{{/crossLink}} equals "customProjection".
@property customProjection
@type CustomProjection
get customProjection() {
return this._customProjection;
The active projection type.
Accepted values are "perspective", "ortho", "frustum" and "customProjection".
@property projection
@default "perspective"
@type {String}
set projection(value) {
value = value || "perspective";
if (this._projectionType === value) {
if (value === "perspective") {
this._project = this._perspective;
} else if (value === "ortho") {
this._project = this._ortho;
} else if (value === "frustum") {
this._project = this._frustum;
} else if (value === "customProjection") {
this._project = this._customProjection;
} else {
this.error("Unsupported value for 'projection': " + value + " defaulting to 'perspective'");
this._project = this._perspective;
value = "perspective";
this._projectionType = value;
this._update(); // Need to rebuild lookat matrix with full eye, look & up
get projection() {
return this._projectionType;
The active projection transform for this Camera.
@property project
@type Transform
get project() {
return this._project;
get view() {
return this;
destroy() {
componentClasses[type] = Camera;