File: /home/lindsay/xeolabs/xeogl-next/xeogl/src/tasks.js
import {Queue} from './utils/queue.js';
const taskQueue = new Queue(); // Task queue, which is pumped on each frame; tasks are pushed to it with calls to xeogl.schedule
const tasks = {
Schedule a task for xeogl to run at the next frame.
Internally, this pushes the task to a FIFO queue. Within each frame interval, xeogl processes the queue
for a certain period of time, popping tasks and running them. After each frame interval, tasks that did not
get a chance to run during the task are left in the queue to be run next time.
@method scheduleTask
@param {Function} callback Callback that runs the task.
@param {Object} [scope] Scope for the callback.
scheduleTask(callback, scope) {
runTasks(until) { // Pops and processes tasks in the queue, until the given number of milliseconds has elapsed.
let time = (new Date()).getTime();
let callback;
let scope;
let tasksRun = 0;
while (taskQueue.length > 0 && time < until) {
callback = taskQueue.shift();
scope = taskQueue.shift();
if (scope) {;
} else {
time = (new Date()).getTime();
return tasksRun;
getNumTasks() {
return taskQueue.length;
export {tasks};